- Category: Conferences and Exhibitions

- Category: Conferences and Exhibitions

- Category: Conferences and Exhibitions
The decision has been made: HUSUM Wind 2021 will take place as scheduled from 14-17 September – and this onsite. For the first time since the outbreak of the pandemic in spring 2020, it will be possible to host a trade fair for the wind and renewable energy sector as an on-site event.
- Category: Conferences and Exhibitions
The 19th World Wind Energy Conference 2021 (WWEC2021) has been scheduled to take place from 24-26 November 2021, with the theme “Powering the World with Wind and Sun”.
- Category: Conferences and Exhibitions

- Category: Conferences and Exhibitions
The EU wants a highly electrified energy system as the basis for climate neutrality by 2050. And they want wind to be half of Europe’s electricity. That means ruthlessly prioritising the future-proof technologies, infrastructure and business models that will accelerate renewables-based electrification.
- Presenting Clean Energy Exchange 2021 webinars
- Germans and Scots cooperate for the 17th WINDFORCE Conference 2021
- Discover the future systems of renewable energy
- Wind hydrogen is the special topic of Husum Wind 2021 trade fair
- RenewableUK’s new webinar series on decarbonisation and collaboration in wind and aviation
- RenewableUK launches new webinar series – Ports & Vessels 2021
- SUT launches introductory virtual offshore wind course
- #WWEAwebinar: Small wind workshop on regulatory frameworks
- 19th World Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition WWEC2021
- WindEurope brings the latest in wind energy to a screen near you
- 3rd World Community Power Conference WCPC2020 “Women in Community Energy”
- WindEnergy Hamburg 2020 goes digital
- #WWEAwebinar: Education and training for wind power and renewable energy
- EERA JP Wind and SETWind Online Annual Event
- Marine-i spearheads innovation in marine energy for smart grids
- #WWEAwebinar: Renewable Transportation: Aviation and Shipping
- #WWEAwebinar: The Role of Hydrogen in a Renewable Economy
- EoLIS 2020 is now a fully online event
- WindEurope hosts first fully online Technology Workshop
- WWEAwebinar: Achieving energy self-sufficiency with a small wind turbine
- WindEnergy Hamburg to take place from 1 to 4 December 2020
- WWEA presents: wind power markets around the world
- Cleanpower 2020 canceled due to COVID-19
- WAB postpones Windforce Conference to September
- Business Network announces schedule for IPF Virtual
- All-Energy and Dcarbonise 2020 postponed until 14-15 September
- New dates for IPF offshore wind conference
- Windergy India 2020 postponed due to COVID-19
- New dates announced for Global Offshore Wind Energy Summit Taiwan 2020
- 3rd International Conference on Small- and Medium Wind Energy