The Front CoverThe article on page 7 written by Daniel W. Bernadett from ArcVera Renewables explores the advantages of using nacelle based anemometers for PPT. PPT testing has meaningful value, and a less costly testing methodology would enable the industry to conduct tests on more projects and more turbines, providing significant value to all project stakeholders. (photo: Bernadett, 2021) Publisher's NoteThe changing mineral landscape and its implications for the wind energy marketFeaturesNew Thinking for Power Performance Testing
By Daniel W. Bernadett, Global Director of Engineering, ArcVera Renewables, USA By Robert Behrens de Luna, Project Manager, FLOATECH Project, Germany
By Ellie Weyer and Linda Sloka, UL Solutions, USA By Matthieu Boquet, Head of Strategy and Market Development, Vaisala, France
Windtech FutureAre We Going to Reach Net-Zero Emissions?By Ahmad Hemami, McGill University, Montreal, Canada View from InsideBy Iain Grainger, CEO, IMCA, UK Latest News
September October 2023
- Category: 2023