- Category: 2011
The Front CoverWhile a great deal has been said and written about smart grids in recent years, energy consultant firm KEMA has taken the initiative to set up and demonstrate the first total-concept living lab smart grid in its PowerMatching City project. After a year in the first phase of operations, the initial results of the field test in a village just outside Groningen in the Netherlands show that the system was a success. Publisher's NoteImproving Performance
- Category: 2011
The Front CoverOne of today’s hot topics in energy policy and its economics is the reduction of uncertainties in wind resource assessment and forecasting. The article on page 7 provides details of the state of the art for wind tunnel modelling for atmospheric flow over topography. The image on the cover shows Laser–Doppler anemometry used for non-intrusive flow measurements. Two beams are made to intersect at their waists (focal points). Hazer particles pass through the fringes. Doppler equivalent frequency-shift of the scattered light is measured and the velocity of the fluid can be calculated. Publisher's NoteFeatures
- Category: 2011
The Front CoverOver the years we have published several articles about different devices for capturing high altitude wind, also called airborne wind energy (AWE). AWE articles we have previously published were about kites, tethered wings outfitted with turbines, powerplanes, and lighter-than-air tethered rotating devices. And now, in this issue on page 7, we have an article focused on the development of an innovative design that has been named PAULA for short, or Power Amplified Upper Level Aerogenerator. Publisher's NoteFeatures
- Category: 2011
The Front CoverOver the years we have published several articles about different devices for capturing high altitude wind, also called airborne wind energy (AWE). In this issue the article on page 6 describes a design for a wind turbine of up to 500MW capacity that could be deployed at many places throughout the world. Publisher's NoteFeatures
- Category: 2011
The Front CoverThe article on page 20 written by Thomas Hahm from F2E Fluid & Energy Engineering focuses on optimisation of wind turbine spacing to improve the performance. When placing wind turbines too close together turbulence generated by the wakes of the wind turbines may seriously affect their structural integrity and so becomes a limited factor in wind farm lay out. The image on the cover is a snapshot of a meandering wake behind an Enercon E-66 wind turbine (blue represents high wind speeds and white represents low speeds). Publisher's NoteImproving Performance
- Category: 2011
The Front CoverThe European project ‘WindSpeed’ concluded that there is a need for a more collaborative and integrated approach and cross-border coordination, in order to fulfil the high offshore wind ambitions of the UK, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Belgium and Germany. The maps on the front cover show that the coordinated approach (Grand Design, top right) is needed to ensure a successful roll-out of wind energy in the North Sea. On page 7 you find the complete article about it. Publisher's NoteFeatures
- Category: 2011
The Front CoverThe image on the cover shows the PowerPlane for harvesting airborne wind energy. The PowerPlane is an innovation developed by Ampyx Power, a spin-off of the Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands). On page 7 you find the complete article about it. Publisher's NoteFeatures
- Category: 2011
The Front CoverThe image on the cover shows icing at a wind farm in Bleikevare, Sweden. In the article on page 6 Cliff Lyon, Director Corporate Development at IceCode, describes a new approach to deicing wind turbines from base to blade tip. Publisher's NoteFeatures