Wind power generating capacity increased by 27 per cent in 2006 and is expected to increase an additional 26 per cent in 2007, proving wind is now a mainstream option for new power generation, according to a market forecast released by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA).
Wind's exponential growth reflects the nation's increasing demand for clean, safe and domestic energy, and continues to attract both private and public sources of capital. The US wind energy industry installed 2,454MW of new generating capacity in 2006, an investment of approximately US$4 billion. New wind farms boosted cumulative U.S. installed wind energy capacity to 11,603MW. Wind power has also attracted the support of state and federal government legislatures. The US Congress recently extended the federal production tax credit (PTC) through December 2008 to further expand the number of wind farms throughout the USA. Based on the success of the PTC to date, AWEA is calling for extending the provision an additional five years.