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Windtech International November December 2024 issue






AWEA reports that the U.S. wind energy industry is currently on track to complete a total 4,000MW in 2007, shattering its 2006 record of 2,454MW.

In its third quarter market report, AWEA also reports that the industry has already added over 2,300MW of generating capacity to the nation's electrical grid so far this year with a total of more than 5,000MW in various stages of construction. The USA still does not have a long-term, national policy in place to promote renewable energy development. The federal production tax credit (PTC) for renewable energy will expire in December 2008, and there is no national renewable electricity standard (RES) or other long-term policy in place. A national long-term policy to promote renewable energy, like the Renewable Electricity Standard approved by the House of Representatives in August, is essential for wind and other renewable energy industries to grow successfully and cost-effectively. The US wind energy industry urges Congressional leaders and the President to work together and bring to the finish line energy legislation that extends the production tax credit and establishes a national standard for renewable electricity.
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